Week 1 Course Information, April 18th

This online textbook contains materials for the Exercise sessions of the Cognitive Modeling course (Summer semester 2022) taught within the MSc program in Cognitive Science at the University of Tuebingen.

This textbook has been created by:

Conrad Borchers

Johannes Lohmann

Julian Mollenhauer

Asya Achimova

We have also relied on the code from the course textbook Computational modeling of cognition and behavior that can be found in this GitHub repository.

1.2 Tutorial Download Instructions

We prepared two interactive R tutorials for you which you can run on your personal computer. They will be discussed in the upcoming weeks, so you do not need to complete them until you are instructed to do so. Here are some instructions on how to install all necessary dependencies and run the tutorials.

  1. Download R 4.0.5 or a later version

  2. Download R Studio

  3. Download 7zip, since you will obtain a zip file to de-compress and 7zip is arguably the most cross-platform-friendly (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux) software to do that - we have not tested any other software to correctly de-compress the zip file

  4. Download the zip archive with the tutorials here

  5. Extract the contents of this zip file and create an R Studio project in the directory /tutorials-export/ (which is part of the contents)

  6. When opening the R Studio project you created, the package {packrat} should be automatically installed by R Studio

  7. Type install.packages('knitr') to your R console and wait

  8. Type packrat::restore() to your R console and wait

  9. Try to open one of the tutorials (whose file names end with .Rmd) in R Studio and click on Run Document at the top left corner of R Studio

  10. The tutorial should now run on your computer!

  11. If R Studio suggests more packages to install on your local machine, we recommend to do so